AMIS During COVID-19
In the midst of a global pandemic, AMIS’s purpose of welcoming and connecting international students with friends in Atlanta has not change. Many international students stayed in Atlanta when COVID-19 shut down our colleges and universities. It is anticipated that the enrollment of new international students will go down this fall (because of the pandemic, travel restrictions, and limited abilities to get visas), but we still have many international students living in Atlanta who are living apart from family and far from home, who need friendship and hospitality.
AMIS remains steadfast in our mission to promote global understanding through friendship and hospitality with international students in our area. The best way to get involved is to make sure you are getting our email newsletters. Email us at to be added to the list. You can view our website for our latest announcements. While AMIS’s office is currently closed, our staff are working remotely from home. They are still available during regular working hours through email and phone.

Beginning in August, we will offer our Amigo Friendship Partners program but encourage virtual conversations or in-person meetings following CDC and GA Dept. of Health guidelines. Volunteers are invited to sign up through our website at
By September, we hope to know whether our Thanksgiving and Christmas International House programs can take place with some adjustments. Please keep in touch with us.
Thank you for your partnership in offering friendship and hospitality with international students during a global pandemic.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic stay at home orders began
(March 2020), AMIS has responded in the following ways:
Reached out to international students involved with AMIS to assess their needs.
Encouraged continued relationships with already existing Amigo Friendship Partners.
Distributed 20 jigsaw puzzles to students during stay-at-home orders.
Hosted weekly "AMIS Talks" to share life and gain encouragement from each other through Zoom video conferencing.
Hosted "AMIS Virtual Groups" to give students and volunteers the opportunity to connect virtually around common interests. Groups focused on the topics of culture/travel, movies, and careers in the US during the month of June.
Been a resource for individual students who have requested financial, practical, and/or emotional support.
Explored ways to plan fall events to welcome students in ways that align with recommended CDC guidelines.
Raised $2000 on #GivingTuesdayNow to create new videos to welcome international students this fall.

AMIS international students connect weekly during Zoom "AMIS Talks"